The “energy efficiency and climate protection network – Nordbayern vernetzt sich III” (Networking Northern Bavaria III) has set itself new, ambitious targets for reducing energy consumption and CO₂ emissions by 2026.
More than 20 companies came together for a meeting at the end of September in Lichtenfels, Germany to define measures for the increase of energy efficiency and for climate protection. Together, they have committed themselves to reduce energy consumption by 50 GWh and to cut 20,000 tonnes of CO₂ by 2026. This self-commitment is an expression of their social responsibility. The group of participants represents about one part per thousand of the final energy consumption of German industry and will cut 9.4 % of its energy-related CO2 emissions in four years once the target has been achieved.
The adoption of the target agreement was followed by the specialist topic: This time, the focus was on sustainable use of waste heat and the exchange of experiences on projects that have already been successfully implemented. The participating companies had the opportunity to learn about innovative solutions for heat recovery from production processes and corresponding calculation tools. Finally, the topic for the next network meeting in December was determined: The focus will be on strategies and opportunities for the expansion of renewable energies in industrial companies. We look forward to being part of it!
For six years, IREKS has been part of the energy efficiency and climate protection networks initiative, which is supported by the Federal Government and German economy. The participating companies commit themselves to agree a joint target for a period of four years and to meet regularly to discuss specialist topics.
The network has many positive effects: It not only helps to reduce the ecological footprint of individual companies, but also to cut operating costs and promote interdisciplinary expertise in energy and environmental issues at companies in the long term. Additionally, collaboration across company boundaries creates long-term benefits for the region and its municipalities.